Coffee Morning

At Springvale, a Delicious Cuppa is Always the Order of the Day…

As restrictions ease further, residents at Springvale have reinstated the very popular monthly coffee morning where everyone gets together to catch up.

Held in the reception area, residents enjoy the chance to chat over a cappuccino, latte, hot chocolate or cup of good old-fashioned tea. Staff who pass by often stop to get involved (helping themselves to a piece of cake or biscuit) and there is always a friendly atmosphere and lots of laughs.

Did you know… aside from plain water, coffee and tea are the most enjoyed beverages around the world – approximately 165 million cups of tea and 95 million cups of coffee are consumed in the UK every year. Both have things in them that may help your health, and of course, they’re the best excuse to get together with a friend – which is always great for lifting your spirits.

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