When Should Someone With Dementia Go Into A Care Home?

A person living with dementia will need help with daily tasks depending on the type of dementia they have and its progression. Dementia is a progressive disease, but it develops differently in everyone who has it.
A person living with dementia will at some point need assistance with their personal care duties such as washing, getting dressed and eating as well as other everyday tasks once the condition progresses. With the increased degree of care required, family members may it quite challenging and overwhelming to care for their loved one, especially as they pass the early stages. A move to a care home that offers dementia care is often the best option. Moving a loved one into a specialist Dementia unit can have a positive impact on not only the person with Dementia but also on their relatives.
We understand how difficult it can be to decide whether to move a family member into a care home, however, looking after someone with dementia will inevitably become more difficult due to the person's decrease in mental capacity. Below are some of the most common reasons why someone with dementia should move into a care home.

A Lack of Socialisation
Living with dementia can make people feel lonely due to the nature of the condition and because relationships can become strained due to the changes within the individual, making it difficult to hold a normal conversation. Moving a loved one into a care home that provides dementia care means they will have the opportunity to socialise with others on a regular basis. The activities team in a care home will go to great lengths to ensure they provide dementia-friendly activities so that those with dementia can be engaged.
Dementia Progressing Beyond A Relative's Capabilities
As dementia progresses, family members that provide at-home care will find it increasingly difficult to provide someone with dementia the level of care they require. As a person's mental and physical state deteriorates, you will likely find that moving someone into a care home will be in a person's best interests. Care homes that offer specialist care employ dementia care professionals who make it their duty to improve a person's quality of life, supporting them in their endeavours and providing a high standard of personal care.
Safety Concerns
As a person's common sense and critical thinking diminish with dementia, this raises safety concerns. Due to the nature of Dementia, a decrease in mental capacity may mean that they no longer comprehend common dangers such as leaving the door unlocked, the hob on or even handling a knife. One of the main benefits of living in a residential care home is it provides a safe environment. Living in a purpose-built care home means the environment and the surroundings have been created with dementia residents in mind to best suit a dementia patient, including special lighting, familiar items in their own room, reminiscence rooms and sensory rooms.
Support For Loved Ones
Dementia doesn't just affect one person, it also affects those closest to an individual. Many families find it difficult to cope with a person's dementia over time. Care staff within a residential care setting can provide emotional support for not only residents but also their loved ones. Dedicated dementia units or floors in a care home are fully equipped to provide practical and emotional support for dementia residents. The care home staff will also extend their hand to friends and family either by arranging a private meeting or group meeting where residents' loved ones can get together and share similar experiences and offer advice and support.
Encouraging Engagement
It is common for a person with dementia to get confused with everyday interactions or activities, leaving them feeling anxious and stressed in their environment. Moving a loved one into a dementia care home can really help a person to thrive and live independently to a degree. Being in a residential setting doesn't mean that they will lose their independence, but instead will have the support and guidance they need to feel content. Care homes that offer dementia care will often provide activities that improve engagement, and self-confidence as well as increased physical health and mental stimulation.
Seeking Professional Advice
Caring for a person with dementia can be an overwhelming job. You're not only battling with the symptoms, but you are also providing personal care and dealing with property and financial affairs (depending if you have lasting power of attorney for that person). Ultimately, the best option for both you and the person with dementia is to put them in a place where they can receive round-the-clock care. There are many people you can get in touch with to help you with financial decisions such as contacting social services through your local authority who can carry out a needs assessment and financial assessment. The management at a care home can provide you with funding options and care expectations as well as answer any questions or concerns for peace of mind.

Proud to Provide Dementia Care At Springvale Care Home
We at Springvale Care Home in Lennoxtown understand that every individual living with dementia is unique in their dementia journey. So residents may only require minimal assistance with daily tasks, while others will require much more. Our care home in Glasgow welcomes residents at all stages and we treat every individual with the utmost respect and compassion. Our care services are personalised to suit each individual circumstances, ensuring they get the quality care they deserve.
We are proud to provide a secure and supportive environment for our residents, including our dementia residents. Our purpose-built care home has been carefully designed to offer a comfortable, homely setting, allowing residents to move around the home with minimal stress or concerns. We provide a plethora of in-house facilities such as art and craft workshops, a private secure garden, hair & beauty salon and an activities programme that encourages residents to pursue their hobbies and interests.
Springvale Care Home is a luxury care home located in Lennoxtown in East Dunbartonshire. Our home provides exemplary levels of Dementia Care, Nursing Care, Palliative Care and Respite Care, executed by experienced and trained care staff who are available no matter the time of day or night.
At Springvale, we strive to provide the highest quality of life to all who reside with us. Our residential care home accommodates 96 residents who each have their own en-suite bedroom, and where they can treat our home as they would their own home. Residents can continue doing the things they enjoy most in a safe and welcoming space.
Get In Touch Today
If you would like to find out more about what Springvale can offer you or your loved one, contact us today by calling 01360 312 765 or emailing info@springvalecare.com. Alternatively, fill out our online enquiry form and we will be in touch as soon as possible.